Tony Wolski

Installing Liquibase Extensions


Since version 3.1, support for ’less common’ databases has been removed from the core Liquibase distribution. This is documented Liquibase’s supported databases page. I’m working with a DB2i database, so I needed to work out how to install the liquibase-db2i extension. I couldn’t find any documentation anywhere, but I managed to nut out what was in the end a relatively trivial task…

Executing generateChangeLog via the command line looks something like this:

liquibase \
  --classpath=jt400.jar \
--changeLogFile=file-to-export-to.xml \
--url="jdbc:as400://AS400X;libraries=LIBRARY;trace=false;naming=sql;extended dynamic=true;" \
--username=blah --password=***** --logLevel=debug \
--databaseClass=liquibase.ext.db2i.database.DB2iDatabase generateChangeLog

But the DB2iDatabase class is not in the core distribution any more, and without the liquibase-db2i extension installed, I got a ClassNotFoundException:

Liquibase generateChangeLog Failed: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: liquibase.ext.db2i.database.DB2iDatabase

In order to install the db2i-extension, all that was required was to:

  1. Clone the repository from Github.
  2. Build the Maven project.
  3. Copy the liquibase-db2i*.jar to $LIQUIBASE_HOME
$ git clone
$ cd liquibase-db2i
$ mvn clean install
$ cp target/liquibase-db2i-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar $LIQUIBASE_HOME/lib/

Any jars you add to $LIQUIBASE_HOME/lib folder are added to liquibase’s classpath, so the next run of the same generateChangeLog command above worked fine (well, at least got me past the ClassNotFoundException ;-).

Hope this helps if you’re wondering how to install any other liquibase extensions.

Your thoughts? I'd love to hear them. Please get in contact.