How I keep up with the rapid pace of tech
2015-03-29I recently attended the London edition of Thoughtworks’ Tech Radar event. I really enjoyed the gathering, as it introduced me to a range of Techniques, Tools, Platforms, Languages & Frameworks. And it was great to the hear the opinions of two really in-touch, smart and interesting guys, including Ian Cartwright.
One of the questions that was put to the speakers was:
‘How do you keep up to date with all of these technologies, languages and frameworks?’
It was a good question, and one to which I could sense the rest of the room interested in hearing the answer.
One of the speakers’ answers was to attend technology conferences as much as possible. Not just language specific ones, but the likes of QCon which cover a broad range of software development areas.
For me, one key methods I use is to subscribe to Java and technology related feeds. I’ve built up my current feed list over the years, and because it’s constantly evolving as I on-board new feeds and cull old ones, I thought it would be a valuable exercise to post it’s current state… you know, for posterity.
So here it is:
Continuous Delivery
- IBM DeveloperWorks: Java Technology
- JAXenter - All-Inclusive Feed
- Martin Fowler
- Planet JDK
- Stormpath User Management API
- The Java Source
- The Typesafe Blog
- Coding Horror
- Raible Designs
- I’m subscribed to 23 different Google blogs… I like to keep up to date on new features and new products.
- Baeldung
- Voxxed Java
- Voxxed JVM
- Zeroturnaround
- Java is the New C
- Plain Old Objects
- There’s Not a Moment to Lose
Life Hacks
Admittedly, my folder organisation leaves a lot to be desired. And there are a number of feeds that need to be culled from this list.
As I read an article it will inevitably link to other sources, so I typically follow it down the rabbit hole until I’ve satisfied my curiosity for the particular topic. Reading this way also means I stumble across more blogs, and people, that are worthwhile following and adding to my feed.
Your thoughts? I'd love to hear them. Please get in contact.